Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

My Opinion About English

What’s your opinion about English?

In my opinion about English, English is universal language. It means that most the countries in the world use english to communicate, every country has it own language, so when someone cannot speak in that language, he/she will better to speak english to communicate. English is also very important in terms of career support in the world of  works. In receipt of an employee in a company, the English has also become a benchmark as to how someone can speak English fluently in order to be accepted in the company.

What’s the best method to learn or study English effectively?
There are so many ways to learn english. but in my opinion, there are some effective way such as by motivating yourself that you definitely can speak english. You also can try to find  difficult words on dictionary or learn vocabularies from it. When you already have enough vocabularies, try to practice it with friends or another person that can speak english better. Don't be afraid about the mistakes of the words that you said. It will better you try than you do nothing. And the most simple way is by listening music that use english in the lyrics. It can make you accustomed to hear english pronounciation.

Ari Prabowo / 11211078 / 1EA02